Quick View On The Rules

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." - Henry Ford

    Our relevant extract from the rules taken from the original document

    The Factories Act 1948

  • 1.Hoists & Lifts Section 28 Rule 2(A) of Factories Act 1948

    (1) In every factory-
    (a) Every hoist and lift shall be--
    (i) of good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate strength:
    (ii) properly maintained, and shall be thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once in every period of six months, and a register shall be kept containing the prescribed particulars of every such examination;
    (b) Every hoistway and liftway shall be sufficiently protected by an enclosure fitted with gates, and the hoist or lift and every such enclosure shall be so constructed as to prevent any person or thing from being trapped between any part of the hoist or lift and any fixed structure or moving part;
    (c) the maximum safe working load shall be plainly marked on every hoist or lift, and no load greater than such load shall be carried thereon;
    (d) the cage of every hoist or lift used for carrying persons shall be fitted with a gate on each side from which access is afforded to a landing;
    (e) every gate referred to in clause (b) or clause (d) shall be fitted with interlocking or other efficient device to secure that the gate cannot be opened except when the cage is at the landing and that the cage cannot be moved unless the gate is closed.

    (2) The following additional requirements shall apply to hoists and lifts used for carrying persons and installed or reconstructed in a factory after the commencement of this Act, namely:-
    (a) where the cage is supported by rope or chain, there shall be at least two ropes or chains separately connected with the cage and balance weight, and each rope or chain with its attachments shall be capable of carrying the whole weight of the cage together with its maximum load;
    (b) efficient devices shall be provided and maintained capable of supporting the cage together with its maximum load in the event of breakage of the ropes, chains or attachments;
    (c) an efficient automatic device shall be provided and maintained to prevent the cage from over-running.

    (3) The Chief Inspector may permit the continued use of a hoist or lift installed in a factory before the commencement of this Act which does not fully comply with the provisions of sub-section (1) upon such conditions for ensuring safety as he may think fit to impose.

    (4) The State Government may, if in respect of any class or description of hoist or lift, it is of opinion that it would be unreasonable to enforce any requirement of sub-sections (1) and (2), by order direct that such requirement shall not apply to such class or description of hoist or lift. 1*[Explanation.--For the purposes of this section, no lifting machine or appliance shall be deemed to be a hoist or lift unless it has a platform or cage, the direction or movement of which is restricted by a guide or guides.]

  • 2.Lifting machines, Chains, Ropes and Lifting Tackles Section 29 Rule 2(A) of Factories Act 1948

    (1) In any factory the following provisions shall be complied with in respect of every lifting machine (other than a hoist and lift) and every chain, rope and lifting tackle for the purpose of raising or lowering persons, goods or materials:-
    (a) all parts, including the working gear, whether fixed or movable, of every lifting machine and every chain, rope or lifting tackle shall be--
    (i) of good construction, sound material and adequate strength and free from defects;
    (ii) properly maintained; and
    (iii) thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once in every period of twelve months, or at such intervals as the Chief Inspector may specify in writing; and a register shall be kept containing the prescribed particulars of every such examination;
    (b) no lifting machine and no chain, rope or lifting tackle shall, except for the purpose of test, be loaded beyond the safe working load which shall be plainly marked thereon together with an identification mark and duly entered in the prescribed register; and where this is not practicable, a table showing the safe working loads of every kind and size of lifting machine or chain, rope or lifting tackle in use shall be displayed in prominent positions on the premises;
    (c) while any person is employed or working on or near the wheel track of a travelling crane in any place where he would be liable to be struck by the crane, effective measures shall be taken to ensure that the crane does not approach within 1*[six months] of that place.

    (2) The State Government may make rules in respect of any lifting machine or any chain, rope or lifting tackle used in factories-
    (a) prescribing further requirements to be complied with in addition to those set out in this section;
    (b) providing for exemption from compliance with all or any of the requirements of this section, where in its opinion, such compliance is unnecessary or impracticable.

    (3) For the purposes of this section a lifting machine or a chain, rope or lifting tackle shall be deemed to have been thoroughly examined if a visual examination supplemented, if necessary, by other means and by the dismantling of parts of the gear, has been carried out as carefully as the conditions permit in order to arrive at a reliable conclusion as to the safety of the parts examined. Explanation.--In this section,--
    (a) lifting machine means a crane, crab, which teagle pulley block, gin wheel, transporter or runway;
    1*[(b) lifting tackle means any chain sling, rope sling, hook, shackle, swivel, coupling, socket, clam , tray or similar appliance, whether fixed or movable, used in connection with the raising or lowering
    of persons, or loads by use of lifting machines.]

  • 3.Pressure Plant

    Section 31 Rule 2(A) of Factories
    Act 1948 Rule 61 of The Gujarat Factories Rule 1963

    (1) If in any factory, any plant or machinery or
    any part thereof is operated at a pressure above atmospheric pressure, effective measures shall be
    taken to ensure that the safe working pressure of such plant or machinery or part is not exceeded.

    (2) The State Government may make rules providing for the examination and testing of any plant or machinery such as is referred to in sub-section (1) and prescribing such other safety measures in relation thereto as may in its opinion be necessary in any factory or class or description of factories.

    (3) The State Government may, by rules, exempt, subject to such conditions as may be specified therein, any part of any plant or machinery referred to in sub-section (1) from the provisions of this section.

  • The Gujarat Factories Rule 1963

  • 1.Hoists & Lifts

    Rule 58 of The Gujarat Factories Rule 1963

    A register shall be maintained to record particulars of examination of hoists or lifts and shall give
    particulars as shown in Form No.9

  • 2.Lifting machines, Chains, Ropes and Lifting Tackles

    Rule 60 of The Gujarat Factories Rule 1963
    (1) No lifting machine and no chain, rope or lifting tackle except a fibre rope or fibre sling shall be taken in use in any factory, for the first time therein unless it has been tested and all parts have thoroughly examined by a competent person and a certificate of such test and examination specifying the same working load or loads and signed by the person making the test and examination has been obtained and is kept available for inspection.
    (2) A register in Form 10 containing the particulars, therein specified shall be kept for every examination made under sub-rule (1). The register shall be readily available for inspection.
    (3) (a) Every jib-crane so constructed that the safe working load may be varied by the raising or lowering of the jib, shall have attached thereto either an automatic indicator of safe working loads an automatic jib angle indicator and a table indicating the safe working loads at corresponding indication of the jib or corresponding radii of the load.
    (b) A table showing the safe working load of every kind and size of chain, rope or lifting tackle in use, and, in the case of a multiple sling, the safe working loads at different angles of the legs, shall be posted in the store room or place, where or in which the chains, ropes or lifting tackles are kept in prominent positions on the premises and no rope, chain or lifting tackle not shown in the table shall be used in a factory unless in the case of lifting tackle, the safe working load thereof, or in the case of a multiple sling, the safe working load at different angles of the legs, is plainly marked upon it.
    (4) All rails on which a travelling crane moves and every track on which the carriage of a transporter or runway moves, shall be of proper size and adequate strength and have an even running surface. Every such rail or track shall be properly laid and maintained and shall be adequately supported.
    (5) All chains and lifting tackle, except a rope sling, shall unless they have been subjected to such other heat treatment as may be approved by the State Government, be effectively annealed under the supervision of a competent person at the following intervals, namely :-
    (i) All chains, slings, rings, hooks, shackles/and swivels used in connection with molten metal or molten slag or when they are made on 12.7 millimeters bar or smaller, at least once in every six months.
    (ii) All other chains, rings, hooks, shackles, and swivels in general use at least once in every twelve months: Provided that chains and lifting not frequent use shall subject to the approval necessary and particular of such annealing shall be entered in a register in Form 10.
    (6) Nothing in sub-rule (5) shall apply to the following classes of chains and lifting tackle namely :-
    (i) Chains made of malleable cast iron,
    (ii) Plate link chains.
    (iii) Chains, rings, hooks, shackles and swivels made of steel or of any non-ferrous metal.
    (iv) Pitched chains, working on sprocket or pocketed wheels.
    (v) Rings, hooks, shackles and swivels permanently attached to pitched chains, pulleys blocks or weighing machines.
    (vi) Hooks and swivles having screw threader parts or ball bearing or other case hardened parts.
    (vii) Socket shackles secured to wire ropes by white metal capping,
    (viii) Bordeau connections.
    (ix) Any chain or lifting tackle which has been subjected to the heat treatment known as "normalising" instead of annealing. Such chains and lifting tackle shall be thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once in every twelve months, and particulars of such examination shall be entered in the register in Form 10
    (7) All lifting machines, chains, ropes and lifting tackle except a fibre rope or fibre sling, which have been lengthened, altered or repaired by welding or otherwise, shall not be used again, unless it is adequately tested and examined by a competent person and certified in writing by him to be in order.
    (8) No person who has not completed eighteen years of age and no adult who is not sufficiently trained in the working of lifting machines and acquainted with the hazzards of the machines shall be employed as a driver of a lifting machine whether driven by mechanical power or otherwise, or to give signals to a driver.

  • 3.Pressure Plant

    Rule 61 of The Gujarat Factories Rule 1963
    In this rule:-
    (a) "design pressure' means the maximum pressure that a pressure vessels or plant is designed to withstand safety when operating normally;
    (b) "maximum permissible working pressure" means the maximum pressure at which a pressure vessel or plant is permitted to be operated or used under this rule and is determined by the technical requirement of the process.
    (c) "plant" means a system of piping that is connected to a pressure vessel and so used to contain a gas vapour or liquid under pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure and includes the pressure vessels.
    (d) "pressure vessel" means a vessel that may be used for containing, storing, distributing, transferring, distilling, processing or otherwise handling any gas, vapour or liquid under pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure and includes any pipeline fitting or other equipment attached thereto or used in connection therewith.
    (2) Exception: -
    Nothing in this rule shall apply to:-
    (a) Vessels made of ferrous materials having an internal operating pressure not exceeding 1 kilogram per square centimeter;
    (b) steam boilers, steam and feed-pipes and their fittings coming under the purview of the Indian Boilers Act. 1923;
    (c) Metal bottles or cylinders used for storage or transport of compressed gases or liquefied or dissolved gases under pressure covered by the Gas Cylinder Rules, 1981 framed under the Indian Explosives Act, 1884;
    (d) Vessels in which internal pressure is due solely to the static heat or liquid;
    (e) Vessels with a nominal water capacity not exceeding 500 liters connected in a water pumping system containing air that is compressed to service as cushion.
    (f) Vessels for unclear energy application;
    (g) refrigeration plant having a capacity of 3 tons or less or refrigeration’s in 24 hours; and
    (h) working cylinders of steam engines or prime movers and steam trapes; turbine casings; compressor cylinders; steam separators or dryers; steam strainers; steam de-superheaters; oil separators; air receivers for fire sprinkler installations; air receivers of monotype machines provided maximum working pressure of the air receiver does not exceed 1.33 kilogrames per square centimeter and the capacity of 85 litres; air receivers of electrical circuit breakers; air receivers of electrical relays; air vessels on pumps, pipe coils accessories of instruments and appliances such as cylinders and piston assemblies used for operating relays and interlocking type of guards, vessels with liquids subjected to static heat only: and hydraulically operating other than any cylinders communicating with an air loaded accumulator.
    (3) Design and construction:-
    Every pressure vessels or plant used in factory:-
    (a) shall be properly designed on sound engineering practice;
    (b) shall be of good construction, sound material, adequate strength and free from any patent defects; and
    (c) shall be properly maintained in a safe condition : Provided that the pressure vessels or plant in respect of the design and construction of which there is an Indian standard or a standard of the country of manufacture or any other law or regulation in force, shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the said standard, law or regulation, as the case may be, and a certificate thereof shall be obtained from the manufacturer or from the competent person which shall be kept and produced on demand by an Inspector.
    (4) Safety devices:-
    Every pressure vessel shall be fitted with:-
    (a) a suitable safety value or other effective pressure relieving device of adequate capacity to ensure that the maximum permissible working pressure of the pressure vessels shall not be exceeded. It shall be set to operate at a pressure not exceeding the maximum permissible working pressure and when more than one protective device is provided, only one of the devices need be set to operate at the maximum permissible working pressure and the additional device shall be set to discharge at a pressure not more than 5 per cent in excess of the maximum permissible working pressure.
    (b) a suitable pressure gauge with a dial range not less than 1.5 times the maximum permissible working pressure, easily visible and designed to show at all times the correct internal pressure and marked with a prominent red mark at the maximum permissible working pressure of the pressure vessel ;
    (c) a suitable nipple and globe valve connected for the exclusive purpose of attaching a test pressure gauge for checking the accuracy of the pressure gauge referred to in clause (b) of this sub-rule;
    (d) a suitable stop or valves by which the pressure vessel may be isolated from other pressure vessels or plant or source of supply of pressure. Such a stop valve or valves shall be located as close to the pressure vessel as possible and shall be easily accessible;
    (e) a suitable drain cock or valve at the lowest part of the pressure vessel for the discharge of the liquid or other substances that may collect in the pressure vessel: Provided that it shall be sufficient for the purpose of this sub-rule if the safety valve or pressure relieving device, the pressure gauge and the stop valve are mounted on a pipe line immediately adjacent to the pressure vessel and where there is a range of two or more similar pressure vessel served by the same pressure lead, only set of such mountings need be fitted on the pressure lead immediately adjacent to the range of pressure vessels provided they can not be isolated.
    (5) Pressure reducing devices:-
    (a) Every pressure vessel which is designed for a working pressure less than the pressure at the source of supply; or less than the pressure which can be obtained in the pipe connecting the pressure vessel with any other source of supply, shall be fitted with a suitable pressure reducing value or other suitable automatic device to prevent the maximum permissible working pressure of the pressure vessel exceeded.
    (b) To further protect the pressure vessel in the event of failure of the reducing valve or device, at least one safety valve having a capacity sufficient to release all the steam, vapour or gas without undue pressure rise as determined by the pressure at the source of supply and the size of the pipe connecting the source of supply shall be fitted on the low pressure side of the reducing valve.
    (6) Pressure vessel or plant being taken into use:-
    (a) No new pressure vessel or plant shall be taken into use in a factory after coming into force of this rule unless it has been hydrostatically tested by a competent person at a pressure at least 1, 3 times the designed pressure, and no pressure vessel or plant which has been previously used or has remained isolated or idle for a period exceeding 2 months or which has undergone alterations or repair shall be taken into use in a factory unless it has been thoroughly examined by a competent person externally and internally if practicable and has been hydrostatically tested by the competent person at a pressure which shall be 1.5 times the maximum permissible working pressure :-
    Provided, however, that the pressure vessel or plant which is so designed and constructed that it cannot be safely fitted with water or liquid or is used in service when even some traces of water cannot be tolerated shall be pneumatically tested at a pressure not less than the design pressure or the maximum permissible working pressure as the case may be:-
    Provided further that the pressure vessel or plant is lined with glass shall be tested hydrostatically or pneumatically as required at a pressure not less than the design pressure or maximum permissible working pressure as the case may be.
    Design pressure shall be not less than the maximum permissible working pressure and shall take into account the possible fluctuations of pressure during actual operation.
    (b) No pressure vessel or plant shall be used in a factory unless there has been obtained from the maker of the pressure vessel or plant or from the competent person a certificate specifying the design pressure or maximum permissible working pressure thereof and stating the nature of tests to which the pressure vessel or plant and its fittings (if any) have been subjected and every pressure vessel or plant so used in a factory shall be marked so as to enable it to the identified as to be the pressure vessel or plant to which the certificate relates and the certificate shall be kept available for perusal by the Inspector.
    (c) No pressure vessel or plant shall be permitted to be operated or used of a pressure higher than its design pressure, or the maximum permissible working pressure as shown in the certificate.
    (7) In-service test and. examinations:-
    (a) Every pressure vessel or plant in service shall be thoroughly examined by a competent
    person :-
    (i) externally, once in every period of six months;
    (ii) internally, once in every period of twelve months:-
    Provided that if by reason of the construction of a pressure vessel or plant, a thorough internal examination is not possible, this examination may be replaced by a hydrostatic test which shall be carried out once in every period of two years Provided further that for a pressure vessel or plant in continuous process which cannot be frequently opened, the period of internal examination may be extended to four years; and
    (iii) hydrostatically tested once in every period of four years :-
    Provided that in respect of a pressure vessel or plant with thin walls such as sizing cylinder made of copper or any other non-ferrous metal, periodic test may be dispensed with subject to the condition that the requirement laid down in sub-rule (8) are fulfilled:-
    Provided further that when it is impracticable to carry out thorough external examination of any pressure vessel or plant every six months as required in sub-clause (i) of this clause or it owning to its construction and Use a pressure vessel or plant cannot be hydrostatically tested as required in subclauses (ii) and (iii) of this clause thorough external examination of the pressure vessel or plant shall be carried out at least once in every period of two years a thorough systematic nondestructive test like ultrasonic test for metal thickness or other defects of all parts the failure of which might lead, to eventual rupture of the pressure vessel or plant shall be carried out.
    (b) The pressure for the hydrostatic test to be carried out for the purpose of this sub-rule shall be 1.25 times the design pressure or 1.5 times the maximum permissible working pressure whichever is less.
    (8) Thin walled pressure vessel or plant:-
    (a) In respect of any pressure vessel or plant or thin walls such as seizing cylinder made of copper or any other non-ferrous metal, the maximum permissible working pressure for every year or use after the first five years and no such cylinder shall be allowed to continue to be used for more than twenty years after it was first taken into use.
    (b) If any information as to the date of construction, thickness of walls or maximum permissible working pressure is not available the age of such pressure vessel or plant shall be determined by the competent person in consultation with the Chief Inspector from the other particulars available with the manager.
    (c) Every new and second hand pressure vessel or plant of thin walls to which repair is likely to effect its strength or safety have been carried out, shall be tested before use to at least 1.5 times its maximum permissible working pressure.
    (9) Report by competent person:-
    (a) If during any examination any doubt arises as to the ability of the pressure vessel or plant to work safely until the next prescribed examination, the competent person shall enter in the prescribed register his observations and conclusions with other relevant remarks with reasons and may authorise the pressure vessel or plant to be. used and kept in operation subject to a lowering of maximum permissible working pressure, or to more frequent or special examination or test or subject to both of these conditions.
    (b) A report of every examination or test carried out shall be completed in Form No. 11 and shall be signed by the person making the examination or test and shall be kept available for perusal by the Inspector at all hours when the factory or any part thereof is working.
    (c) Where the report of any examination under this rule specifies any condition for securing the safe working of any pressure vessel or plant the pressure vessel or plant shall not be used unless the specified condition is fulfilled.
    (d) The competent person making report of any examination under this rule shall within seven days of the completion of the examination send to the Inspector a copy of the report in every case where the maximum permissible working pressure is reduced or the examination shows that the pressure vessel or plant or any part thereof cannot continue to be used with safety unless certain repairs are carried out or unless any other safety measure is taken.
    (10) Application of other laws:-
    (a) The requirements of this rule shall be in addition to and without any prejudice to and not in derogation of the requirements of any other law in ferce.
    (b) Certificate or reports of any examination or test of any pressure vessel or plant to which sub-rules (7) to (9) do not apply, conducted or required to be conducted under any other law in force and other relevant record relating to such pressure vessel or plant, shall be properly maintained as required under the said law and shall be produced on demand by the Inspector.

  • 4.Dangerous Machinery (Centrifuge)

    Section 21 (Rule 54) of Factories Act 1948 - Rule 2-A
    Schedule V of the Gujarat Factories Rule 1963
    1. Definition:-
    "Centrifugal machines" include centrifugal extractors, separators and driers.
    2. Every part of centrifugal machine shall be:-
    (a) of good design and construction and of adequate strength:
    (b) properly maintained: and
    (c) examined thoroughly by a competent person at regular intervals.
    3. Interlocking guard for drum or basket:-
    (1) The cage housing, the rotating drum or basket of every centrifugal machine shall be provided with a strong lid. The design and construction of the case as well as the lid should be such that no access is possible to the drum or basket when the lid is closed.
    (2) Every centrifugal machine shall be provided with an efficient interlocking device that shall effectively prevent the lid referred to in sub-paragraph (1) from being opened while the drum or basket is in motion and prevent the drum or basket set in motion while the lids is in the open position.
    4. Breaking arrangement :-
    Every centrifugal machine shall be provided with an effective braking arrangement capable of bringing the drum of basket to rest within as short a period of time as reasonably practicable after the power is cut off.
    5. Operating speed:-
    No centrifugal machine shall be operated at speed in excess of the manufacturer's rating which shall legibly stamped at easily visible places both on the inside of the basket and on the outside of the machine casing.
    6 Exemptions:-
    Sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 3, paragraphs 4 and 5 shall not apply in case of top-lung machines or similar machines used in the sugar- manufacturing industry.

  • 5.Dangerous Machinery (Power Press)

    Section 21 (Rule 54) of Factories Act 1948 - Rule 2-A
    Schedule VI of the Gujarat Factories Rule 1963
    1. Application:-
    The Schedule shall apply to all types of power-Presses including press brakes except when used for working hot metal.

    2. Definitions:-
    For the purpose of the Schedule:-
    (a) "approved" means approved by the Chief Inspector;
    (b) "fixed fencing" means fencing provided for the tools of a power press being fencing which has no moving part associated with a dependent upon the mechanism of a power and includes that part of a closed tool which acts as a guard;
    (c) "power press" means a machine used in metal or other industries for mounding, pressing, blanking, raising drawing and similar purposes;
    (d) "safety device" means the fencing and any other safeguard provided for the tools of a power press.

    3. Starting and stopping mechanism:-
    The starting and stopping mechanism shall be provided with a safety stop so as to prevent over running of the press or descent of the ram during tool setting, etc.

    4. Protection of tool and die:-
    (1) Each press shall be provided with a fixed guard with a slip plate on the underside enclosing the front and all sides of the tool.
    (2) Each die shall be provided with a fixed guard surrounding its front and sides, and extending to the back in the form of a tunnel through which the pressed article falls to the rear of the press.
    (3) The design, construction and mutual position of the guards referred to in (1) and (2) shall be such as to preclude the possibility of the worker's hand or fingers reaching the danger zone.
    (4) The machine shall be fed through a small aperture at the bottom of the die guard, but a wider aperture may be permitted for second or subsequent operations if feeding is done through a chuta.
    (5) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-clauses (1) and (2). And automatic or an interlocked guard may be used in place of a fixed guard, but where such guards are used they shall be maintained in an efficient working condition and if any guard develops a defect, the power shall not be operated unless the defect of the guard is removed.

    5. Appointment of persons to prepare power presses for use:-
    (1) Except as provided in sub-paragraph (4), no person shall set, adjust or try out the tools on a power press or install or adjust any safety device thereon, being installation or adjustment preparatory to production of die proving, or carry out an inspection and test of any safety device thereon required by paragraph 8 unless he:-
    (a) has attained the age of eighteen years;
    (b) has been trained in accordance with sub-paragraph (2), and
    (c) has been appointed by the occupier of the factory to carry out those duties in respect of the class or description of power press or the class or description of safety device to which the power press or the safety device" (as the case may be) belongs; and the name of every such person shall be entered in a register in Form No. 8.
    (2) The training shall include suitable and sufficient practical instruction in the matters relating to each type of power press and safety device in respect of which it is proposed to appoint the person being trained.

    6. Examination and testing power presses and safety device:-
    (1) No power press or safety device shall be taken into use in any factory for the first time on any power press, unless it has been thoroughly examined and tested, in the case of a power press, after installation in the factory, or in the case of safety device, when in position on the power press in connection with which it is to be used.
    (2) No power press shall be used unless it has been thoroughly examined and tested by a competent person within the immediately preceding period of twelve months.
    (3) No power press shall be used unless every device (other than fixed fencing) thereon has within the immediately preceding period of six months when in position on that power press, been thoroughly examined and tested by competent person.
    (4) The competent person carrying an examination and test under the foregoing provision shall make a report of the examination and test containing the following particulars and every such report shall be kept readily available for inspection:
    (a) name of the occupier of the factory;
    (b) address of the factory;
    (c) identification number or mark sufficient to identity the power press or the safety device;
    (d) date on which the power or the safety device was first taken into use in the factory;
    (e) the date of each periodical thorough examination carried out as per requirements of subparagraph (2) above
    (f) particulars of any defects effecting the safety of the power press or the safety device found at any such thorough examination and steps taken to remedy such defects.

    7. Defects disclosed during a thorough examination and test
    (1) Where any defect is disclosed in any power press or in any safety device by any examination and test under paragraph 6 and in opinion of the competent person carrying out the examination and test, either:-
    (a) the said defect is a cause of danger to workers and in consequence, the power press or safety device (as the case may be) ought not to be used until the said defect has been remedied; or
    (b) the said defect may become a cause of danger to workers and in consequence the power press or safety device (as the case may be) ought not to be used after the expiration of a specified period unless the said defect has been remedied, such defect shall, as soon as possible after the completion of the examination and test, be notified, in writing by the competent person to the occupier of the factory and, in the case of a defect falling within clause (b) of this sub-paragraph, such notification shall include the period which, in the opinion of the competent person, the defect ought to be remedied.
    (2) In every case where notification has been given under this paragraph, a copy of the report made under paragraph 6(4) shall be sent by the competent person to the Inspector of the area within fourteen days of the completion of the examination and test.
    (3) Where any such defect is notified to the occupier in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, the power press or safety device (as the case may be) having the side defect shall not be used:—
    (a) in the case of defect falling within clause (a) of sub-paragraph (1), until the said defect has been remedied, and
    (b) In the case of defect falling within clause (b) of sub-paragraph (1), after the expiration of the specified period unless the said defect has been remedied.
    (4) As soon as is practicable after any defect of which notification has been given under subparagraph (1) has been remedied, a record shall be made by or on behalf of the occupier stating the measures by which and the date on which the defect was remedied.

    8. Thin walled pressure vessel or plant:-
    (a) In respect of any pressure vessel or plant or thin walls such as seizing cylinder made of copper or any other non-ferrous metal, the maximum permissible working pressure for every year or use after the first five years and no such cylinder shall be allowed to continue to be used for more than twenty years after it was first taken into use.
    (b) If any information as to the date of construction, thickness of walls or maximum permissible working pressure is not available the age of such pressure vessel or plant shall be determined by the competent person in consultation with the Chief Inspector from the other particulars available with the manager.
    (c) Every new and second hand pressure vessel or plant of thin walls to which repair is likely to effect its strength or safety have been carried out, shall be tested before use to at least 1.5 times its maximum permissible working pressure.

    9. Report by competent person:-
    (a) If during any examination any doubt arises as to the ability of the pressure vessel or plant to work safely until the next prescribed examination, the competent person shall enter in the prescribed register his observations and conclusions with other relevant remarks with reasons and may authorise the pressure vessel or plant to be. used and kept in operation subject to a lowering of maximum permissible working pressure, or to more frequent or special examination or test or subject to both of these conditions.
    (b) A report of every examination or test carried out shall be completed in Form No. 11 and shall be signed by the person making the examination or test and shall be kept available for perusal by the Inspector at all hours when the factory or any part thereof is working.
    (c) Where the report of any examination under this rule specifies any condition for securing the safe working of any pressure vessel or plant the pressure vessel or plant shall not be used unless the specified condition is fulfilled.
    (d) The competent person making report of any examination under this rule shall within seven days of the completion of the examination send to the Inspector a copy of the report in every case where the maximum permissible working pressure is reduced or the examination shows that the pressure vessel or plant or any part thereof cannot continue to be used with safety unless certain repairs are carried out or unless any other safety measure is taken.

    10. Identification of power presses and safety devices:-
    For the purpose of identification, every power press and every safety device provided for the same shall be distinctively and plainly marked.

    11. Training and instructions to operators:-
    The operators shall be trained and instructed in the safe method of work before starting work on any power press.

    12. Exemptions:-
    (1) If in respect of any factory, the Chief inspector is satisfied that owing to the circumstances or infrequency of the processes or for any other reason, all or any of the provision of this schedule are not necessary for the protection of the workers employed on any power press or any class or description of power press or in the factory, the Chief inspector may by a certificate in writing (which he may in his discretion revoke at any time), exempt such factory from all, or any of such provisions subject to such conditions, if any, as he may specify therein.
    (2) Where such exemption is granted, a legible copy of the certificate, showing the conditions (if any) subject to which it has been granted, shall be kept posted in the factory in a position where it may be conveniently read by the person employed.

Disclaimer: The extract above is for information purpose only and not to be used for any legal or commercial purpose. Please refer to the gazette document from the govt. for the actual rules and act and interpret accordingly

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